Extended Reality Solutions
Embark on a journey into extraordinary realms with Multitools' Extended Reality Solutions.
Dive into new dimensions of experience with our VR, Mixed Reality, and AR offerings. More
than just technology, we create narratives that stir emotions and leave lasting impacts. Blend
reality and digital, and bring the extraordinary into the everyday with us, where Extended
Reality becomes an unforgettable adventure.
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BAT Studio
In a year that challenged the usual routine and normalcy, our team took on the live streaming for the Pitch at the kick-off event for its client, BAT. Faced with a challenge like the global COVID-19 pandemic, we responded with innovation and professionalism, delivering a virtual event that left its mark.
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Grand Opening
For the opening of the Nespresso Boutique in Glyfada, in collaboration with our client WEBER SANDWICK, we redefined the concept of grand inaugurations. Through the magic of projection mapping, we transported visitors to a world of visual delight, where the brand's story unfolded with vibrant and dynamic details. This immersive experience not only left an indelible impression but also set a new, higher standard for how brands can engage and inspire their audience
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COSMOTE Holo-Stage
On behalf of OGILVY at a COSMOTE event, we created a physical stage where the attendees could simulate their favorite Depeche Mode musician in real live conditions. At the same time, our team created real-time holographic effects, creating an immersive Mixed Reality experience. The entire experience was recorded, giving participants the opportunity to share it on social media.
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Media Markt
Game of Drones
On behalf of our client Wunderman Thompson, we participated in the first competition with flying drones, undertaking the live streaming for nationwide public participation, in a specially designed area of the store in Renti.
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Aisxylia Eleusina
Utilizing projection mapping technology, we participated in the Aeschyleia Festival at a preserved site in Eleusina. We had the opportunity to be part of the artistic program, collaborating with young artists and creators. We took care of installing all audio-visual equipment and video projections, bringing their narratives to life and leaving our distinctive mark on the city.